All of us, especially us men, need a role model to help us combat the evils and temptations of this world. A facilitator-led group to consecrate oneself to St Joseph, our greatest saint in heaven, after our Blessed Mother, will arm us with the weapons needed.
Even though people have already personally consecrated themselves to St Joseph, many repeat the process to strengthen and maintain their consecration. Consecration to St Joseph is a 6-week program, whereby the group will meet once a week to complete the consecration program as laid out in the book Consecration to St Joseph by Fr Donald Calloway. February 12th, 19th, 26th AND March 5th, 12th, 19th. 7 pm – 8:30 pm Esencia Life Centre or Slattery Centre, St Pat’s, depending on numbers.
All men, from 15 yrs old up. It is strongly recommended that fathers and sons (or their guardians) attend together. Investment: $45 per person (to cover costs, books etc) Bookings and payment: Reply with names and mobile numbers of attendees and bring payment on first night.
For more details, contact the facilitators Mark Mannering on 0419-411-161 or Dennis Murphy on 0427-586-847. Fr Sean Byrnes will also be assisting.