AFL Tipping

Immaculate Heart of Mary Thurgoona
AFL Tipping Competition

Starts Thursday, 7th March 2024
(If you miss the start date it’s not too late! – you will receive the average score of the comp minus 1 point for each round where you haven’t entered any tips)

Great Prizes!!
(All entry fee moneys returned as prizes – more entries mean bigger prizes!)

1st $800 minimum; 2nd     $400 minimum
3rd     $200 minimum; 4th     $100 minimum
Plus $50 to the Winner of the Week for every round including the Finals.

$50 Entry Fee
To pay the entry fee, simply deposit $50 into:
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Thurgoona - Parish Account
BSB 066-789 Acc No 100 003 738 and use your name along with “tipping” as the reference.
For alternative methods telephone 02 6088 6222 or email
(You may enter more than once to a maximum of four (4) entries,
provided the entry fee is paid for each additional entry)

How to Enter
If you are already a member of the website, then search under competitions for “IHM Thurgoona” and join using the password “riverina” (without the quote marks).

If you are new to the footytips website, first join as a member using this link, noting down your Username and Password.  Then search for and join the “IHM Thurgoona” comp as above.

Alternatively, type the following into your web browser and follow the instructions: -

If you have any questions, please telephone (02) 6088 6222 or email

Competition Rules
(in conjunction with the standard rules on the website)

  1. The competition will run up to and including the Grand Final.
  2. To be eligible for the $50 weekly cash prize for the Winner of the Week (running from Round 1 up to and including the Grand Final) you must have paid the $50 entry fee.
  3. To be eligible for the major cash prizes at the end of the season, the entry fee must be paid no later than the first game of Round 5 on Thursday 11th April 2024.
  4. Members may enter more than once, to a maximum of four (4) entries, provided the $50 entry fee is paid for each additional entry.
  5. End of season major prizes will be awarded to the top four (4) paid up tipsters.
  6. The Winner of the Week is the person who tips the most correct games and has the lowest weekly margin.  In the event of a tie between tippers, it will be the person who has the lowest cumulative margin.  If it is still a tie, the prize money will be split.  If the Winner of the Week is not paid up, then the prize will jackpot to the following week.
  7. Due to the importance of Finals, all Finals matches will be worth two (2) points each game.
  8. If you tip a perfect round, you will receive one (1) bonus point, including Finals rounds.
  9. If no tips are entered for the week, you will receive the competition average score minus one (1) point.  If you enter some of your tips for the week you will only receive points for the correct tips entered.