The Hav-a-Chat Ladies group commenced five years ago in the Parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Once a month the Ladies would gather and enjoy each other’s company and share what was happening in their lives.
The group commenced with 15 ladies and is now has grown to 45 women. The age group is around the 60 years and over. Our eldest Lady being 97. It is a great outing for those who find themselves housebound and with no families.
St. Martha’s Kitchen prepare a two-course meal, with afternoon tea and coffee. There are plenty of prizes to be won and a special gift for a first-time member.
Each month there is a Guest Speaker who gives of their time to speak to the ladies. They range from Solicitors, Chemists, Policeman, Chiropodist, Hairstylists, Artists, and many more.
It was sad to see a couple of our ladies pass on. Because of health issues Shirley Evans moved to Melbourne, but that didn’t stop Shirley, she would get her Son-In-Law to drive her up each month just to see the Ladies. Shirley was a real favourite, a beautiful mother like figure to us all giving us encouragement to keep going, she knew how important it is to the elderly ladies, especially those living on their own.
The Hav-a-Chat Ladies encourage new members, it is open for everyone to come and join in for a couple of hours each month. Sometimes you must call order to get a word in, but there is plenty of laughter and enjoyment to be had.