St. Joseph Working Bee
For over 20 years a dedicated band of men and women have gathered for the Working Bee at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church.
Never ending is the work required at the Church site. The upkeep of the beautiful gardens, maintenance, painting, gutter cleaning, the list goes on and on. At 9.00am after Mass and Rosary, the lawn mowers can be heard starting up, and in the kitchen, there is a band of women preparing tea, coffee, cakes, and sausage rolls for morning tea.
The Parish is very proud of the Grotto dedicated to the Immaculate Conception and built by the workers of St. Joseph. It is surrounded by the beautiful gardens and visited by many people.
Perfectly placed in the gardens are the Stations of the Cross. These Crosses were given to the Parish by the Mother of God Brothers. Each Friday during Lent people gather to walk the path of the Stations, and on Good Friday a crowd of people can be heard singing and reciting each of the Stations.
Over the years the St. Joseph Workers would cut wood to sell for the winter. With monies from the wood, the workshop was well equipped with tools for the maintenance around the Complex.
It is a labour of love; at morning tea the workers gather with stories of the past, some exaggerated, some quite humbling. These men and women are at home in the Parish. They are the quite achievers, beautifying the grounds in honour of Our Blessed Mother.