Please note the new times for weekday Masses in the sidebar. It is hoped that the new times will be more suitable for young families going off to school and […]
Upcoming Events
Mass with Anointing
This coming Tuesday, 11th of February at 9:30am. Anointing of the Sick is for all those suffering from physical, mental or spiritual diseases of various kinds.
New Padding on Pew Kneelers
Thank-you to the team of men who charitably donated over 47 hours of their valuable time to fit padding to the kneelers on the 30 pews in the church. I’m […]
Consecration to St Joseph
All of us, especially us men, need a role model to help us combat the evils and temptations of this world. A facilitator-led group to consecrate oneself to St Joseph, […]
Parish AFL Footy Tipping Competition
Starts Thursday, 6th March 2025. Great Prizes! 1st $800 minimum; 2nd $400 minimum; 3rd $200 minimum; 4th $100 minimum. Plus $50 to the Winner of the Week for every round […]
Book Review
Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control 2nd Ed. By E. Michael Jones, available at “For more than 20 years now, I have received unsolicited testimonies from people who […]
Parish Business Sponsors
It is proposed to have a section on the parish website where we will advertise the names of the businesses of parishioners who support the parish, principally by weekly Sunday […]
It is time to again thank all of you who have helped to keep our parish up and running this year, including but not limited to (and in no particular […]
Tribunal of the Catholic Church
Marriage breakdown is a traumatic experience for all those concerned. The Church reaches out in support of those who are divorced, while upholding the permanence of a true Christian marriage. […]
Who Can He Be?
The Shroud of Turin – the cloth that millions believe wrapped the body of Jesus in the tomb – was branded a fake by a C-14 test in 1988 yet […]