Ever thought about becoming Catholic?

“Faith is a journey of illumination: it starts with the humility of recognizing oneself as needy of salvation and arrives at the personal encounter with Christ, who calls one to follow him on the way of love.” Pope Benedict XVI Angelus: 29 October, 2006.
Becoming Catholic is a profound and joyous experience. Some are blessed enough to receive this great gift while they are infants, and, over time, they recognize the enormous grace that has been bestowed on them. Others enter the Catholic fold when they are older children or adults.
A person is brought into full communion with the Catholic Church through reception of the three sacraments of Christian initiation—baptism, confirmation, and the holy Eucharist—but the process by which one becomes a Catholic can take different forms.
Those who have been validly baptized outside the Church become Catholics by making a profession of the Catholic faith and being formally received into the Church.
Before a person is ready to be received into the Church, whether by baptism or by profession of faith, preparation is necessary. The amount and form of this preparation depends on the individual’s circumstance.
Program starts on Tuesday, 6th of August at 7:00pm in the Marian Centre.
For more information, please contact Fr Anthony at admin@ourparish.au or on 6088 6222.

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